Bargaining for top jobs in the EU continues | Currently Europe | '


In the dispute over the allocation of EU top posts, the heads of state and government of the European Union are hoping for a breakthrough. They are continuing their special summit on Thursday in Brussels to succeed Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and three other top EU leaders. Leading-edge EPP candidate Manfred Weber underscored his ambitions for Juncker's succession, but at the same time showed his willingness to compromise.

Merkel: "mixed situation complicated"

The special summit had been adjourned on Monday, after the participants could not agree on a total package despite an approximately 18-hour marathon session. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) called the mixed situation "complicated", but hopes in his own words on a compromise. In addition to the office of President of the Commission, he also deals with the EU Council President, the EU Foreign Affairs Commissioner and the head of the European Central Bank (ECB).

Belgium EU Special Summit Brussels | Angela Merkel (picture-alliance / AP / R. Pareggiani)

Angela Merkel could announce on Monday only the postponement of the negotiations

As a successor to Juncker at the top of the commission, among other things, the Dutch social democrat Frans Timmermans in conversation. However, the eastern Visegrad states are against him. The CSU politician Weber, who hardly has more chances for the post, could in turn become President of the EU Parliament.

Manfred Weber shows his willingness to compromise

Weber said on Monday evening in the ZDF "heute journal", the group of the European People's Party (EPP) in the European Parliament had given him "backing". However, he was "aware that there are many obstacles" among the European leaders against him.

The outcome of the May European Election, which saw the EPP emerge as the strongest party in the EU Parliament, "must now be reflected in the leadership of Europe," said Weber. At the same time he expressed his willingness to compromise: "I extend my hand." In the course of the deliberations of the EU heads of state and government, the possibility is explored that Weber will take over the chairmanship of the European Parliament.

Belgium Brussels EU Leading Candidates | Margrethe Vestager, Manfred Weber and Frans Timmermans (Getty Images / AFP / A. Oikonomou)

Margarethe Vestager (left), Manfred Weber and Frans Timmermanns (right) had entered the race in the European elections as top candidates

Ska Keller and Katarina Barley new in the race

The German Green Party politician Ska Keller also applies for this post. The Green Party in the European Parliament has nominated the 37-year-old, as a spokeswoman in Strasbourg announced. Keller was co-chair of the group in the last legislative session with Belgian Philippe Lamberts. After the European elections, both were confirmed in office.

The European Parliament will meet this Tuesday in Strasbourg for its constituent meeting. After the opening by acting Speaker of Parliament Antonio Tajani and a short speech, the political groups will withdraw for consultations. It is all about the election of the new parliamentary president, which is scheduled for Wednesday.

Former Federal Minister of Justice Katarina Barley (SPD) announced that she wanted to become vice-president of the European Parliament. "The European Union has a communication problem and I want to make the European Parliament more heard," Barley told the news portal "Business Insider". She believes that she can "make a strong contribution". She has already been a minister and has designed policies at national level. Barley was the top candidate in the European elections in May and now moves to the European Parliament.

as / bri (afp, dpa)

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