Cranach hostel in Wittenberg | ' Travel | '

culture life
A historic courtyard in the house where Lucas Cranach lived in Wittenberg, wid renovated. (Photo: dpa)

The Cranach yard during a renovation

For more than 40 years, the painter Lucas Cranach (1472-1553) worked in Wittenberg. In the Cranach-Hof with the former workshop, a "Cranach-Hostel" with 55 beds in 28 rooms opened at the end of July. After decades of decline in the GDR from 1990, the unique urban ensemble was gradually renovated and revived, among other things, with a painting school. Lucas Cranach was associated as an artistic chronicler of the Reformation, in Wittenberg he became friends with the reformers Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon. The accommodation is initially for those who want to do an artistic education in the painting school or want to do a project in the workshops with a school class.

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