160 German IS supporters are missing | ' | '

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The Federal Government does not know where many of the Islamists who have left for Syria or Northern Iraq are. In more than 160 German supporters of the terrorist militia "Islamic State" (IS) lacked clues to their whereabouts, it is said in a response of the Federal Interior Ministry to a question from FDP General Secretary Linda Teuteberg, which is the "World on Sunday".

Berlin: unnoticed entry barely possible

The government explains that most of these Islamists were probably killed in combat. But: "Sporadically, these people could also manage to settle and / or submerge." However, it is unlikely that IS supporters could go unnoticed to Germany. Furthermore, it is said that in the future, too, it is assumed that an entry without knowledge of the German security authorities is likely to remain the exception. As justification, the Federal Government refers to measures such as wanted listings or entry barriers.

Germany Munich | Process Jennifer W., IS returnee (Getty Images / S. Widmann)

In April, the trial began in Munich against alleged IS returnee Jennifer W.

Teuteberg called it "in view of the known very incomplete protection of the external borders of the EU" as worrying that the Federal Government seems to have taken no further measures to prevent the uncontrolled re-entry of submerged IS fighters. The FDP politician also accused the government, "still have no concept for dealing with former IS fighters from Germany" to have. "This applies to the Germans detained in the war zone as well as to the more than 200 former IS supporters who are now back in Germany."

She called on federal and state interior ministers to come up with a concept on how to deal with IS returnees and how to hold them accountable for their actions – for example, by strengthening oversight and prosecution of war crimes abroad.

se / ust (kna, afp, wams)

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